Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 10 класс>> They travel the world
Lessons 7-8 They travel the world . Who do you think these teenagers are?
. Work in pairs or in small groups, . look at the list you have made and say which benefits the speaker mentioned. 1 What are the goals of the exchange programs for secondary school students? . Decide what makes the letter successful. I would like to apply for the Students' Exchange Program. There are several reasons why I am applying. Firstly, I am very interested in the U.s.A., its culture, history, and people. The program will provide me with a good opportunity to compare what I already know about the U.S.A, with what the nation is really like, I think American society is very effective in many areas: governmental institutions are transparent, industry is well developed, living standards are high, and the people have a say in their future. I want to understand how the U.S.A. has achieved all this and bring this knowledge back to Russia and apply it here. I strongly believe my generation can do a lot for Russia. Secondly, in my opinion both countries are very similar, Russia and the US are very multicultural - diversity is a common feature of both nations. tf you imagine a group photograph of the people living in the countries it would be like a patchwork, so different would they look! Also, both countries are very large - I mean the size of the territory and the population, Americans and Russians have a very rich history, unique culture, and outstanding technological achievements (in space exploration, for example). American and Russian soldiers defended democracy together during World War II when they defeated fascism, Student; exchanges can bridge the gap between our nations and make all of us better people. To sum it up, when I am back I will have my own impressions and image of the US, my own personal experience. which when shared with my friends here in Russia, will promote a better understanding of the cultures involved and will make the world a little safer. . Write your Statement of Purpose in the form of a letter explaining why you want to particIpate In the program.
Содержание урока конспект урока опорный каркас презентация урока акселеративные методы интерактивные технологии Практика задачи и упражнения самопроверка практикумы, тренинги, кейсы, квесты домашние задания дискуссионные вопросы риторические вопросы от учеников Иллюстрации аудио-, видеоклипы и мультимедиа фотографии, картинки графики, таблицы, схемы юмор, анекдоты, приколы, комиксы притчи, поговорки, кроссворды, цитаты Дополнения рефераты статьи фишки для любознательных шпаргалки учебники основные и дополнительные словарь терминов прочие Совершенствование учебников и уроков исправление ошибок в учебнике обновление фрагмента в учебнике элементы новаторства на уроке замена устаревших знаний новыми Только для учителей идеальные уроки календарный план на год методические рекомендации программы обсуждения Интегрированные уроки
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