Lesson Plan on the topic “My Family”

Lesson Plan  on the topic “My Family”

- формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения
1. развитие и повышение интереса к урокам английского языка
2. развитие навыков аудирования, говорения и чтения
3. развитие логического мышления и памяти
4. повторение и закрепление ранее изученного материала по теме и применение его в ситуациях говорения
5. формирование положительного образа семьи

Ход урока:

I. Начало урока
1. Warming-up (Приветствие и сообщение темы и цели урока)
T: Look at these pictures and photos. What are we going to speak about today? (a family)
2. Фонзарядка
Повторение лексики по теме «Семья»
T: Give the opposites:
A father – (a mother), a sister – (a brother), a dad – (a mum), a man – ( a woman), an uncle – (an aunt), a son – (a daughter), a granddad – (a grandma), a nickname – (a real name), many children – (an only child)
3. Речевая зарядка
T: Look at this family tree and say about the relations between these people. Ann is Peter’s daughter.
P1: John is Helen’s grandfather.
P2: Steve is Susan and Alan’s father.

II. Основная часть урока
1. Обучение диалогической речи с использованием структур have got, has got
А) T: Look at these pictures and names of cartoon heroes. What are their names? (Little mermaid, Cinderella, Fiona, Peter Pan, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood). Choose the hero and the group will guess the name. I am going to show how to do it.
T: Please, ask me questions about my family and guess who I am.
P1: Have you got a mother?
T: Yes, I have.
P2: Have you got a father?
T: No, I haven’t.
P3: Are you Little Red riding Hood?
T: Yes, I am.
B) T: Look at our family tree again and ask each other questions about this family. Mary and me are going to show how to do it.
T: Has Alan got a brother?
P1: Yes, he has. Has Helen got a son?
T: No, she hasn’t.

2. Аудирование. Выполнение урражнение во время и после прослушивания.



3. Релакс-минутка. Песня Tooth Family
Tooth Family
This little baby only has two teeth
Just two teeth, just two teeth
One on top and one beneath
And he drinks milk all day long
This little girl says, “What shall I do?
I had my teeth but I’ve lost two.”
Her mother says, “Suzie, I can say to you,
You’ll soon grow plenty more.”
This is my mother and she keeps hers clean
Brush, brush, brush, see what I mean
This is my mother and she keeps hers clean
And she chatters all day long
My grandad he only has two teeth
Just two teeth, just two teeth
One on top and one beneath
So he wears false teeth all day
Clean them in the morning and at night
Children, grown-ups, keep them bright
Then when you’re old if you did it right
You’ll still have all your teeth
“Don’t forget now children
Every night and every morning
Brush, brush, brush,
Carefully now!”

4. Активизация лексики по теме.


5. Обучение мини высказыванию по теме с использованием раздаточного материала.


III. Заключительный
1. Выставление отметок, оценивание работы учащихся

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Предмети > Англійська мова > Англійська мова 5 клас > Знайомство з новою лексикою. Розмовна тема “My Family” > Знайомство з новою лексикою. Розмовна тема “My Family”. Конспект уроку і опорний каркас