Гіпермаркет Знань>>Англійська мова>>Англійська мова 4 клас. Повні уроки>>Англійська мова: Знайомство із новою лексикою по темі „Професії”. Аудіювання та читання діалогу. Повні уроки
Мета уроку1. Ознайомитися з новою лексикою по темі "Професії". 2. Вдосконалити навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення. Хід урокуПривітанняHello, pupils! I'm very glad to see you. Today we are going to discuss a very interesting topic - Professions. Let's start our lesson.
Вивчення нового лексичного матеріалуNow we will get acquainted with some new words! Vocabulary Teacher - вчитель - passes knowledge to students, usually at school. Translator - перекладач -translates from one language to another. Actor/Actress - актор актриса - acts in a play or a movie. Writer - письменник - writes books or novels. Baker - пекар - makes bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery. Bus driver - водій автобуса - drives buses. Cook - повар - prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or café. Doctor - лікар - you go to see him when you are ill or have some type of health problem. Factory worker - працівник завода - works in a factory. Fireman - пожежник - puts out fires. Painter - художник - paints pictures. Photographer - фотограф - takes photos. Pilot - пілот - flies a plane. Postman - поштар - delivers mail to your house.
Виконання вправВправа 1 Choose the right answer for the questions. Salary overtime an applicant staff voluntary work application form 1. The amount of money you get for the job? 2. The form you need to fill to apply for job?
Cethera Doroct
Soanmpt Kareb
Tilop Apinert
The pupil of the 11th form talks with Miss Dale, a career officer who will help him to choose the right profession for the future.
What do you want to do when you leave school? What will you study at university? Good morning, Miss Dale. Well, I'm good at Languages, so I think I will study English and Spanish. Good morning, Henry. Yes, Miss Dale. I'd like to enter the university. I see. Languages are very interesting but you should learn some other subjects to. Why, Miss Dale? It will be easier for you to find a good job if you know more than one discipline. For example, English and Economics, or Spanish and Marketing. Oh, it's a good idea. Thank you, Miss Dale!
The newspaper boy
Are the sentences true or false? 1. Jimmy studies in the 8th form and he is eleven years old. 2. Jimmy sells newspapers in the park. 3. Jimmy gets up at 5 o’clock and leaves home at 5.20. 4. Jimmy earns about 55$ a month. 5. Sometimes Jimmy gets tips for a good work. 6. Jimmy wants to buy a bicycle next year. 7. Jimmy saves money for the college and likes to buy books.
Now some interesting activities! Try to find as many professions as you can among these letters.
Here is the crossword. Read the hints and fill the blocks with correct answers.
6. Now we will watch the video and listen to the song where many, many professions are mentioned. Let's do some contest - try to name as many professions from this video as you can. The winner will get a high mark! Listen attentively, you will also see some hints.
Now let's see the text of this song and highlight the words and word-combinations which are related to some professions.
She plays the bass in a band
Кінець урокуThe lesson is over. Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it! Goodbye.
Домашнє завданняYour homework is: 1. To learn the names of professions. Список використаних джерел: 1. М.В. Павлова, Г.А. Дудкина "English for businessmen"
Скомпоновано та відредактовано Медведєвою Ксенією Над уроком працювали Лебедева А. Любименко В. Мєдвєдєва К. Perez E. Paul D. Gutiérrez Covey
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