Завдання до уроку: Аудіювання, розвиток діалогічного мовлення (Англійська мова 5 клас)

Завдання до предмету Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тема: «Аудіювання, розвиток діалогічного мовлення (Англійська мова 5 клас)»
LearnEnglish Kids

What did the dragon eat for breakfast?
The dragon in the story was a very hungry dragon. Here are some of the things he ate.
First match the words and the numbers then write in the spaces below.


Now write about the dragon’s breakfast. Watch the story again and write the food words.
five ten twenty fifty twelve six one
1 6 5 10 50 12 20

First he ate three plates of ______ and _____. Next he ate five plates of _______ and ten _________ . In the restaurant he ate twenty ________ and fifty ____________ and after that he ate six _________ and a ______ . He ate everything in the shop and last of all he ate a ________ .
Over to you. Make a poster. Draw and write about what you had for breakfast today.

Надіслано вчителем міжнародного ліцею „Гранд” Чистяковою О.А.

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