Вправи до уроку: Аудіювання, розвиток діалогічного мовлення (Англійська мова 5 клас)

Вправи до предмету Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тема: «Аудіювання, розвиток діалогічного мовлення (Англійська мова 5 клас)»
LearnEnglish Kids
Story - Greedy Hippo

1. What did greedy hippo eat in the story? Put a tick • next to the correct pictures:


2. Put the story into the correct order. Number the sentences 1-10. The 1st one has been done for you!

a) __1__ There was a greedy hippo. He was very selfish and ate everybody's food.
b) _____ The animals were very angry and played a trick on him.
c) _____ Out he popped and he ran to the table and ate their food!
d) _____ Something wasn't right. He felt sick. Oh no! He had a tummy ache!
e) _____ He began to shout "Help! Pull me out!"
f) _____ Hippo learnt his lesson and left the town. Goodbye!
g) _____ Hippo swallowed the special pie and jumped back into the lake.
h) _____ The animals all pulled and pulled.
i) _____ One morning he jumped into the lake and was stuck.
j) _____ They made a fish and soap pie!

3. Whose food did the greedy hippo eat?


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