Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 7 класс>> A role model
урок 4
1 Play a game. In pairs. After Misha's interview a lot of readers have sent letters about their role models to St David's Express. Listen to four stories. Who are the stories about? Игра проходит в четыре этапа. Разделитесь на команды. Вы услышите четыре жизнеописания известных людей. Во время прослушивания после каждой фразы предусмотрена короткая пауза. Если вы уже знаете, о ком идет речь, и можете назвать имя этого человека без дальнейшего прослушивания, поднимите руку и дайте ответ. Если ответ неправильный, вы выбываете из этого этапа игры. Побеждает та команда, которая даст наибольшее количество правильных ответов первой.
карт Guess the meaning of the underlined word.
His grandfather is very rich. He is a multimillionaire [.тлИцшЦэ'пеэ].
2 Listen and read.
a founder — основатель successful [sak'sesfl] — успешный computer software f'snftwes] — программное обеспечение для компьютеров a chemist — химик a physicist ['fizisist] — физик to graduate ['graed3u,eit] — закончить вуз charity — благотворительный a mission — миссия (христианская) а nun — монашка a follower — последователь Macedonia [.massi'daonis] — Македония
3 Look at the names. What can you say about these people?
карт 4 Read and match the names of the people with the stories about them.
1. She was born in 1910 in Macedonia. She was a Catholic nun and the founder of the charity missions. These missions helped the poor and the sick. In 1979 she got the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. She had started her work in Calcutta, but later her followers opened other missions in many other parts of the world. Today there are about (примерно) 500 centres in different countries. These centres give food to 500,000 families and help 90,000 sick people every year.
2. He was born on 28 October, 1955, in Seattle. When he was thirteen, his parents sent him to an expensive private school. In that school he met his future business partner, Paul Allen, and started programming computers. After school he went to Harvard, the best university in the USA. But he never graduated. He left Harvard two years later and gave all his time to Microsoft, the company he had started with Paul Allen in 1975. Today he is a multimillionaire. His company, Microsoft, is the biggest and most successful computer software company in the world.
3. He was born in 1711, in a little village near Arkhangelsk. His father was a fisherman and couldn't read or write, but this boy was very unusual. He liked books and always wanted to know more. When he was 19, he left home and went to Moscow. He went to school there. Fifteen years later he became the founder of the Moscow State University. He was a great chemist, physicist, writer and poet.
4. He lived in Scotland in the 13th century. He was twenty, when English soldiers came to Scotland, and the dark days began. The English wanted to take everything in the land, so he and his friends fought against the English, and his enemies began to hate his name. He was only thirty-five when the English caught and executed him. He had given his life for the freedom of his country. His name lives in the heart of everybody who loves freedom. I learnt about him from the film "Braveheart'.'
карт The Nobel Prize — Нобелевская премия. Every year a special committee chooses people who get prizes for important work in physics, medicine, chemistry, literature or towards world peace.
карт Traditionally the King of Sweden presents Nobel Laureates with the prizes.
А Who said what? Match the person with the words. Explain your answers.
1. "We can do no great things; only small things with great love." 2. "If you want to be a programmer, you should write programs, and study grea programs that other people have written." 3. "Russia will grow with Siberia." 4. "Every man dies, not every man really lives. карт
К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy English.ru: Учебник англ. яз. для 7 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.
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