A Ballad of Stonеhеnge

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1 Listen to the words and expressions and repeat them after the speaker.


to use smth as smth — использовать что-либо в качестве чего-либо
Christ [kraist] — Иисус Христос
forest ['fnnst] — лес
midsummer sunrise — восход солнца в день летнего солнцестояния
midwinter sunset — заход солнца в день зимнего солнцестояния
wild [waild] — дикий
to greet smb — приветствовать кого-либо

карт  Guess the meaning of the underlined words.

My granny knows a lot of old songs and ballads ['bsebdz].

2 Read the ballad. Which of your questions does it answer?

Rosy: Hi, Mark. It's very nice to see you. These are my friends Misha and Robin. They like this place very much. Could you tell us more about Stonehenge, please?
Mark: Sure. There's a beautiful ballad about this place. Let's listen to it.


A Ballad of Stonehenge

Three thousand years before Christ was a child,
England was beautiful, young and wild.
There were people, forests and rivers there,
And the magic stones hung in the air.

The people who brought them were strong and brave,
And under these stones they found their graves.
Where did they come from? Where did they go?
Who were those people? We'll never know.

Was it a temple? An ancient god's house?
Was it a compass for friends from the stars?
They built it five thousand years ago,
But why did they do it? We'll never know.

Now those days are gone and the people are gone,
But the midsummer sunrise still shines on the stone
And the midwinter sunset still comes with the rain,
And Stonehenge greets them on Salisbury Plain.


3  Match the statements about Stonehenge (Homework Ex. B) with the lines of the ballad.

Model: There are ancient graves around Stonehenge. — "And under these
       stones they found their graves."
4  There are many theories about Stonehenge and nobody knows which theory is correct. What do you think. How could the builders use Stonehenge?

Model: I think Merlin could use Stonehenge as a monument to soldiers.

1.    Merlin               a) a temple of ancient gods
2.    Druids               b) a monument to soldiers
3.    ordinary people    c) a compass which helped them find the planet again
4.    aliens               d) a calendar

5  In groups. Discuss the results and report to your classmates. Which theory about Stonehenge do you believe? Use the following words and expressions: I guess, I think, perhaps, maybe.

Use the following ideas for explanations.

Model: I think Merlin built Stonehenge, because I believe in magic.

...because Stonehenge is so old.
...because we have no information about life at that time.
...because the stones are very big and nobody could move them.
...because the builders of Stonehenge had to know about mathematics, astronomy and physics.
...because there was no life on our planet five thousand years ago.
...because I believe in magic.
...because somebody brought the stones from another place.
...because Stonehenge has a link with the midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset.



A Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

1.    Did Mark read the legend about Robin MacWizard?
2.    Is there any information about Robin's trip to the future in the legend?
3.    What did the friends want to do?
4.    In which hotel are the friends going to spend the night?

Rosy: What do you think, Mark? Do you know the legend about Robin? Can you help him?
Mark: I know. It says, "Robin never spoke about his trip to the future," so there is no information for us.
Rosy: Thank you, Mark. We are going home now.
Mark: It's late. Stay with us for the night! There's a nice hotel down the road. Tomorrow we can do a lot of interesting things, and you can go home in the evening.
Rosy: That's a good idea. What's the name of the hotel?
Mark: The Red Lion.

К. И. Кауфман, М. Ю. Кауфман Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру / Happy Учебник англ. яз. для 6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.— Обнинск: Титул, 2008.— 288 с: ил.

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